english test 11 class 8 scholarship exam

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english test 11 class 8 scholarship exam

passage 1

passage 2


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8th scholarship

english 8th scholarship exam preparation


Reding skills

1 / 10

Category: English 8th

1) Ajinkya begins his letter……………….. (passage 1)

2 / 10

Category: English 8th

2) The two adjectives mentioned in the passage about ajinkya’s uncle are …………………. (passage 1)

3 / 10

Category: English 8th

3) The subject of the above letter is …………….. (passage 1)

4 / 10

Category: English 8th

4) This letter is written by uncle’s…………. (passage 1)

5 / 10

Category: English 8th

5) According to you , which line expresses. (passage 1)

Uncle’s health………………

6 / 10

Category: English 8th

6) The patient is suffering from………….. (passage 2)

7 / 10

Category: English 8th

7) What dose the pharmacist ask for ?(passage 2)

8 / 10

Category: English 8th

8) The pharmacist’s job is to ………………………. (passage 2)

9 / 10

Category: English 8th

9) Out of the words given below which words are not related to profession. (passage 2)

10 / 10

Category: English 8th

10) what type of exercise is walking ? 

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