english test 03 class 8 scholarship exam

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english test 03 class 8 scholarship exam


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8th scholarship

English test 3 class 8


subunit- writing, on word -substitute, guessing

1 / 10

Category: English 8th

to pass on information ; communicate knoledge

2 / 10

Category: English 8th

choose the correct word from the given alternative.

a paper  written by hand…..

3 / 10

Category: English 8th

choose the correct word from the given alternative.

a place where horses are kept……………

4 / 10

Category: English 8th

choose the correct word from the given alternative.

 a hall where an audience gathers…………

5 / 10

Category: English 8th

a place for scientific experiment is………..

6 / 10

Category: English 8th

read the content of the given web diagram carefully and select the appropriate title of web from the alternatives. 

7 / 10

Category: English 8th

to leave. go away, move away

8 / 10

Category: English 8th

Parag missed his examination due to illness .other friends met him and gave him advice.

9 / 10

Category: English 8th

when Madhu won first prize in the debate competition, all his friends cheered him .

what do the following word suggest?

10 / 10

Category: English 8th

there was great confusion regarding the fire. everyone walked around in a chaotic state

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نمبر شمارذیلی عنوانعنوانٹیسٹ
1writing words,contexual meaningopposit and simmilervocablury(1)click here
2word formation,homophones,phrases,vocablury(2)click here
3writing on word-substitute, guessingvocablury(3)click here
4crossword puzzle, gridword puzzleclick here
5sentence formation,language studyclick here
6part of speech,tenseslanguage studyclick here
7active, passive voice, degreeGrammarclick here
8a short note,dialoguecreative writingclick here
9slogan,advertisement,newscreative writingclick here
10email website,SMS languagecreative writingclick here
11prosereding skillsclick here
12gamesmiscellaneousclick here
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8th Scholarship Exam Preparation In Urdu

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