english test 02 class 5 scholarship exam

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english test 02 class 5 scholarship exam


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english 5th scholarship exam preparation

English test 2 class 5

unit – vocabulary

sub unit- opposit word,word register,finding words

1 / 10

Category: English 5th

1. choose the correct alternative.

2 / 10

Category: English 5th

2. find the odd man out . 

3 / 10

Category: English 5th

3. select the opposite word from the given alternative_ 

strong x……………… 

4 / 10

Category: English 5th

4. choose the correct opposite word :  hope  x   ……………………. 

5 / 10

Category: English 5th

5. choose the incorrect option.

6 / 10

Category: English 5th

6. choose the incorrect pair of opposite words. 

7 / 10

Category: English 5th

7. select the opposite word for ‘ push ‘ 

8 / 10

Category: English 5th

8. if hard  x soft then  smooth  x   ?

9 / 10

Category: English 5th

9. choose the correct pair of opposite words . 

10 / 10

Category: English 5th

10. fill in the blank _ ear , near , …………… , hear 

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