english test 01 class 5 scholarship exam

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English test 01 class 5 scholarship exam


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Created on By admin@urduclassroom

5th scholarship


1 / 10

Category: English 5th

1) choose the correct group of rhyming words for the given word  _  gun .

2 / 10

Category: English 5th

2) choose the correct alternative related with ‘ circus ‘ . 

3 / 10

Category: English 5th

3) find the matching tern  _ gold , old , bold , cold 

4 / 10

Category: English 5th

4) choose the word which is not spelt correctly . 

5 / 10

Category: English 5th

5) find in the word that dose not rhyme with the given words _ cry , fry , shy, try . 

6 / 10

Category: English 5th

6) if bus _  bus stop then aeroplane – ? 

7 / 10

Category: English 5th

7) complete the following :  c_ ul _ flower .

8 / 10

Category: English 5th

8) read the question carefully and choose the incorrect alternative . 

9 / 10

Category: English 5th

9) if grass _ green then mango _ ? 

10 / 10

Category: English 5th

10) fill in the blank _ ear , near , …………… , hear 

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